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Hit the ground running

By James Larter

Posted 07/08/2018

In today’s world being technically sound doesn’t necessarily mean work ready – new recruits also need the right communication skills to be effective in their new role and hit the ground running.

When people move in to a new role whether fresh into the organisation, or advancing through promotion, they are often appointed for their technical knowledge and ability but can often lack the ‘know-how’ of how to relate those skills to the business they’re in and the people around them.

Effective situational learning is an excellent way of helping individuals to face unfamiliar territory and deal with situations which they may find uncomfortable or challenging.

Adding real value to personal development

The skill is to recreate realistic work place scenarios, where professional actors present real-life simulations, so that individuals can not only observe the impact of behaviour and approach but also practise in a safe and controlled environment. By ‘doing’ rather than ‘being told’ every individual takes away what they need from the training exercise and personally takes ownership of their own learning.
Graduate and Induction Programmes

Although a growing number of universities are choosing to enhance their graduates’ employability by supporting technical knowledge with practical people and communication skills, there is huge potential for young new starters to benefit from additional workplace training and successfully link the relevance of their studies to their new work environment.

By providing an opportunity to experiment with simple tweaks to their own style and appreciate the knock-on effect it can have on developing successful relationships, new starters can quickly hone vital communication skills to give them the confidence they need to interact effectively with peers, managers and customers from day one.

Individual promotion

Individuals are most often promoted to new leadership roles because they have proved themselves to be good at their job, rather than being a good leader, the knock on effect can result in significant inefficiency in both performance and business. By enabling newly promoted employees to experiment with adjusting their behavioural style and experiencing the outcomes of their actions, they will not only know what to do but also have the confidence of how to do it.

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